Gone But Not Forgotten: Tributes Help Us Remember Those We Lost to Overdose  - End Overdose Colorado

We share a lot of statistics about overdose deaths in Colorado, but these numbers don’t tell us anything about the individuals we’ve lost. With each death, there are family, friends and loved ones left behind who must pick up the pieces and live with the loss.  

By remembering those who lost their lives to overdose, we give power to their story and help keep precious memories alive.  

We invite you to commemorate someone important to you with a tribute. Just fill out this short form. Tributes will be posted on this website once they have been reviewed. If you would like us to use your tribute on our Instagram page, please upload a photo. (Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, Max. file size: 128 MB.) 

If you have questions, please email us. We will be posting submitted tributes on our blog and Instagram. Check out the tributes section of this site to learn about other organizations that also provide a space to post online tributes to raise overdose awareness.

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